Plan To Make Your Trade Show Display Deliver
19Jan 2015
When designing graphics for a new tradeshow display, it is tempting to load it with information. Conventional wisdom is “less is more”. A prospect will take 5 seconds or less to read your message; deliver the critical message succinctly with great graphics:
- Keep important graphics (logo, tag line,etc) and text above knee level. Information below the knee line will not be prominent.
- Simple speaks loudly. Even if viewed up close, your prospect will have many distractions so detail will be missed.
- Include your logo, tagline and marketing statement with a call to action;
- Use your company’s logo and color palate consistently across your tradeshow space – business cards, marketing collaterals, display assets.
- Take note of how the display is constructed. If you are using a monitor or a podium, your graphics layout will need to be different than if you have an unobstructed backwall.
- Using photographs? Capture or purchase the image at the highest resolution possible. A lower resolution photo is impossible to enlarge without getting some pixilation. From high res to low res is a cinch.
S2 Imaging is available to help with your design process: we can either take it from origination (you provide logos, message and marketing assets) or we can provide feedback for layouts that your art department/agency develop. An eye that is familiar with construction details may see issues that might not be apparent until the display is constructed. We are available; just give our art department a call.